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“Educating each child to live their Jewish heritage with pride and to be openminded, responsible citizens of the World”
The Jewish School of Madrid. Ages 3 to 18.

(+34) 91 650 1229
(+34) 608 27 42 34

We are turning 50

Dear School Community:
It was a pleasure for me to celebrate 50 years of our beloved school. Fifty years of efforts, achievements, joys and also difficulties. Fifty years dedicated to the integral formation of our young people from the human, Jewish and academic point of view. Fifty years of unconditional love for this institution that belongs to everyone.
A long history of which we are proud, and that we want to continue sharing with all of you.
There will always be spaces to remember, thank and honor those who have been part of our history.
With the desire to continue building this dream that began 50 years ago.
A cordial greeting,
Luna Alfón Coriat

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