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Speech therapy & Psychopedagogy

We have available to all families the speech therapy and psychology consultation service both in person and online. These services are part of our Guidance and Psychopedagogy Office.

Medical service

We have a special agreement with a Medical Center located 2 mns from our school, if necessary.

For the provision of this service, the School's COVID-19 Protocol Actions must be followed.

School Bus

The Center offers the possibility of contracting the full and daily school transport service.  


Given that parents will not be able to access the center as a sanitary measure, we recommend the use of this service to avoid crowds at the entrance and exit.

- We have monitors on all routes and we work with a company with extensive experience in transporting school children.

- On school routes, and in accordance with the provisions of Order 668/2020 of June 19 of the Ministry of Health, the use of a mask will be mandatory for users 6 years of age and older, including the driver and companions.

- Our school route has an automatic disinfection system similar to that of commercial airplanes.

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Herzl Coffee & Market

On our campus we have a cafeteria and kosher shop available  of parents, students and members of our  Community. For the use of this service, the guidelines set forth in the School's COVID-19 Protocol Actions must be followed.


School Dinning Hall

Our Kosher dining hall is an educational space in which we invite our students to try new flavours and learn about the importance of a healthy and balanced diet.


Enlace de acceso a la APP "So meal":


The school has a psycho-pedagogical cabinet from which it coordinates, together with the Head of Studies and the Directorate, the educational projects of all phases of education and the specific needs of education by levels offered at the Center and which is available to the entire Educational Community.

During the isolation period and for the following academic year,  spaces have been provided for students and families to take care of the emotional health of the entire school community.

This service will continue to be provided, following the School's COVID-19 Action Protocol.

Professional and University Guidance

Our students prepare for the Diploma Program exams with specific models, standard exams and official models. We provide advice and guidance on the university future of the young, both nationally and internationally.


We offer a program of activities "in Company" to facilitate the integration of students to the professional world.
Our mission is that
  Students enjoy studying what they like, make the most of their abilities, meet their goals, be college ready, and  are competitive in the professional world.

Our mission is that  students enjoy studying what they like, make the most of their abilities and meet their goals.

Our results in previous promotions bear witness to the fact that academic excellence  it is an integral part of our educational proposal.

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