“Educating each child to live their Jewish heritage with pride and to be openminded, responsible citizens of the World”
The Jewish School of Madrid. Ages 3 to 18.

(+34) 91 650 1229
(+34) 608 27 42 34

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT):
Tools and work methodologies for students and teachers

It is unquestionable that technology is important in today's education and this generation of students was born with it.
Today, all schools of excellence work with technology, from printers 3D, and interactive iPad for digital whiteboards. Learning to use technology responsibly and at the right age is essential.
The Center has a staff of teachers in continuous training. Each of them combines new teaching methods with traditional methods of proven effectiveness. The incorporation of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to education is a maxim at school.
Our students work with Digital Whiteboards (PDI), an Educational Portal of their own management, and professional programs from the business world such as: Adobe Suite, Macromedia Flash, Dreamweaver, Visual Basic, 3D Studio Max ... Some classes are developed using video systems -conferences with teachers or schools outside of Spain.
From 5ºth. Grade:
Introduction to Digital Education
Since the year 2015, we implemented the digital project for students on the last cycle of elementary school. With it, we improved the teaching and learning of our students. From next school year (2021 - 2022), our 5th grade students will have Chromebooks lended by the school to complement their education in the classroom along with their textbooks.
Our school has platforms of “E-learning” in operation for our own digital materials developed by our teachers. Endless possibilities ...
The digital resources will be available through the “e-learning Google Classroom” platform for education and payment platforms for content creation and evaluation. Platform of activities and digital resources. This tool multiplies the possibilities of the iPad/Chromebook beyond the classroom. Collaborative work, communication between teacher and student, classes that are recovered, documents and exercises always available, etc.

From 6th grade to 10th grade, each student has an iPad as a work tool in their studies. This allows them to access and have at all times at your fingertips large amount of educational content, research, use tools that enhance their knowledge and creativity.
Students with access to these tools prepare better class work, know how to analyze, share, present, discriminate and solve problems more easily and become more involved in their education

Digital Citizenship

The use of new technologies develops curiosity, motivation, cooperative work and autonomy. In our school we educate students on what it means to be a digital citizen: We are what we publish, we know how to configure our privacy in networks, we know our rights and responsibilities, we work to raise awareness about "cyberbullying" and how to avoid it and report it. Teachers, students and parents must ensure good practices.