“Educating each child to live their Jewish heritage with pride and to be openminded, responsible citizens of the World”
The Jewish School of Madrid. Ages 3 to 18.

(+34) 91 650 1229
(+34) 608 27 42 34

The Spanish Council of Israelite Women (CEMI) visit the new and enlarged Sukkah of the College.
The fourth-year ESO students worked enthusiastically on its construction and were the hosts of the ladies of the CEMI who, like every year, came to the School to celebrate and talk with the students.
The guests were received by Morá Cecilia Levit, coordinator of Secondary, and Ethel Barylka, coordinator of Judaic Studies. After a brief opening about the importance of the Jewish education of our daughters and granddaughters, the students joined who prepared a game of Trivial Judaica in which all the attendees participated in teams.
The delegates of CEMI explained the important work they carry out, told their story and emphasized the need to add young women to the Council, inviting our students to join the effort.
"And you will rejoice at your feast" determines one of the central mandates of the Sukkot holiday. This year we have celebrated with double joy, by doubling the size of the Sukkah, thus allowing us to better welcome all its visitors, as well as through the traditional visit of the CEMI.