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The Créate Foundation organizes this educational event every year with the active presence of students, teachers, families, institutions, entrepreneurs and professionals. Throughout its editions, ExpoKids has had the participation of more than 3700 Primary and Secondary students, between the ages of 10 and 16.


In this edition, more than 170 projects, ideas, prototypes, inventions, products and services could be seen; projects that arise from the work that the more than 1,200 students have developed throughout the course thanks to the foundation's “We create our project” program.


The Ibn Gabirol Center, Estrella Toledano School was represented by a group of 6th grade students who have developed a service on the food sector for people with allergic problems.



Communication Award in the IV edition of ExpoKids


A group of 6th grade Primary students was awarded in the  most important and impactful educational innovation event in the country.

Our 6th grade students were awarded the Communication Award for their service in helping people with allergic problems.


!! Congratulations!!

The winners of the Communication Award at Expokids were able to enjoy a workshop organized by the Instituto de Comunicación Empresarial (ICE) to learn how to organize their ideas and gain confidence when speaking in public.

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