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The Janukiadot:

Multidisciplinary project of all stages

What is behind the Janukiadot?

The Janukiadot are the only multidisciplinary educational project  in which all the stages of the center are involved.

Students work on the subjects of Judaism, Hebrew, Jewish traditions and history,  as well as mathematics, language, technology, robotics, audiovisuals, plastic arts and physical education.

Behind each activity that is proposed,  There is a didactic component adapted to each stage, seeking to develop teamwork skills, empathy, group responsibility, time management, respect for others, family involvement, critical thinking and leadership.

More importantly, we develop a sense of belonging not only to your team but to your school and all this in a relaxed atmosphere, of joy and celebration.

Limud and Janukiadot: ESO and Baccalaureate


We divided three groups of Galil, Kineret and Carmel into 5 smaller groups, for a total of 15 groups.

Each group receives 5 sheets to study as a team in general or as a group:  the story of Chanukah with greater historical accuracy, a small part of the Shabbat Gemara that tells about Chanukah, a text from the Tefillah Al HaNissim and a source from the Maoz Tzur from the tradition of the Greek Jews.

All Kahoot questions are based  in these and other sources according to the agenda chosen by the Morim each year.
The 15 groups study in the classes with total autonomy and then respond
  to the Kahoot questions to all teams.

Antioch  He did not want the Jews to study the Torah, we in our Hanukiadot study the Torah and also we compete as in the Olympic Games.


Every year, when the month of Kislev finally arrives, the Gabirol dons its most cheerful finery, the children fill it with colors and the red of Carmel, the yellow of Galil and the blue of Kineret flood every corner. This year has been even more special, because instead of closing the week of the Janukiadot, the aroma of the sufganiot has crept into every heart from day one.

Our recipe carries the exact amount of love from volunteer mothers who come together with effort, donating their precious time, cooking for each child as if it were their own.

The sufganiot of our school are the best in the world and they taste like teamwork, the love of a mother and all mothers together, shared laughter and big families like the ones before, like the Gabirol Family.

Thanks to all who  do  possible our great little miracle of Hanukkah. Sweet, live it up to 120 years!

Message from our former director Janukiadot 2018-2019

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