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Visit to the exhibition "Miró and the Object"

"Last month we went to the Miró exhibition at the CaixaForum. They separated us into four groups. A guide did the tour of the entire exhibition. And now I am going to tell you a little about what I learned at the exhibition.
Joan Miró i Ferrà was his full name. He was born on April 20, 1893 in Barcelona and died on December 25, 1983.
He was a Spanish sculptor, painter, engraver and ceramist. He had only one goal, he wanted to assassinate the painting. And all his works are related to the murder of painting. I saw that he had a collection of objects and that he put all of them in his works.
The experience I had in the Miró exhibition was very good since I was with my friends and I have learned many things about a painter and sculptor that I did not know anything about.
After the exhibition we all met outside and had some sandwiches. "
Written by DG (1st ESO student)