“Educating each child to live their Jewish heritage with pride and to be openminded, responsible citizens of the World”
The Jewish School of Madrid. Ages 3 to 18.

(+34) 91 650 1229
(+34) 608 27 42 34

School Networking
Today we have all heard the term "Networking". Communication and contact networks have become the philosopher's stone of the 21st century, where the question is not only to know or have the information, but to share it with other people quickly and effectively.
One of the objectives at our school is to prepare successful students who know how to adapt to the demands of a constantly changing world. For this reason, we offer them experiences in which they learn to function in a social and contact network, where we all have something to learn and contribute, either in person or virtually.
This course, in addition to the exchanges that we have been doing for years with the school - Ironi Dalet, Tel-Aviv (2nd ESO), Inmanuel College, London (3rd ESO), Hatikva School, Barcelona (5th and 6th EP), - - We have organized three new experiences: Istanbul Jewish School, Istanbul (1st Baccalaureate), Lyceum Renzo Levi, Rome (4th ESO), and Collège Rambam Maimonides, Paris . The 3rd and 4th ESO students of the French elective subject had a virtual exchange via Skype with this French school, making use of new technologies.
The exchanges involve a great logistical and organizational work not only from the center, but also from the families who generously open their houses to welcome foreign students. In the same way, when ours travel to another city, we must prepare them to share time in other houses and with other families.
We continue to bet on exchanges because, in addition to having a cultural and linguistic purpose, they offer students the possibility of meeting and living with young Jews from other realities. These experiences make them more tolerant, flexible young people, with bonds that can last a lifetime, and that will allow them to see themselves as part of a global Jewish world.

Ironi Dalet, Tel-Aviv - Inmanuel College, London - Hatikva College, Barcelona - Istanbul Jewish School, Istanbul - Renzo Levi Lyceum, Rome - Collège Rambam Maimonides, Paris ...